This just has some changes and additions to my 7 31 7 post. I appear to have left some things out, so view this link to catch up. Confusion reigns and I am all wet. .
I am surprised at times at how much of the world doesn't make sense to me. I am constantly confused by much of it, maybe most of it as time grows shorter.
Things that don't make sense will be updated as long as my life makes less and less sense. I have no idea why any of the following exist AT ALL.
If you have things that don't make sense to you, that confuse you, do drop me a line and I might add them, with full credit, or maybe you can blog them on your space.
There is no particular order to the following:
1. A-cup bras. Really, what is going on other than the bra makers are scamming their customers?
This has nothing whatsoever to do with small breasts. I assure you, they can be wonders of pleasure like any size breasts. The note is only a comment on bra makers scamming customers.
2. Crotchless panties. The most logical use of underwear, to me, is for sanitary purposes. After a bathroom experience there is a chance of a drop of some liquid. Cotton works well here. Shear synthetics do not. Crotchless panties really do not.
If you are up for unexpected sex, go without drawers. Problem solved and more power to you.
3. If a man can afford bespoke clothing: "What side do you dress to?" is a pretty silly question if you are under 6". Be honest with your tailor.
4. Now this one is so outrageous it makes me mad. Why would anyone drink caffeine free diet soda? Duh. Water.
5. Cleavage annoys me. Not having it of course, but displaying it, THEN chastising people who look and its not just men.
6. I think women's fashion and clothes are so often demeaning. Its like just being a woman makes them beauty objects, not equal people who dress funnily / amusingly or dress to please themselves, really.
I will never be a woman and cannot know where their clothes tastes came from but some of these things just don't make sense to me and this one goes beyond fashion to a few notes on sex "hygiene" and comfort:
a.Wearing those dresses with cleavage and a swooping neckline in the middle of winter. They cannot be comfortable.
b. Who thought them up, early on, and who keeps high heels a fashion item? Orthopedists with heavy investments in the shoe industry?
c. I have never understood those silly hats. However if you really do, ignore this note.
d. What's up with make-up? Yuk. It really doesn't make you look better. Different yes. Better, no. Plus it tastes bad if you are having full contact oral sex.
e. What's up underarm deodorant / antiperspirant? Yuk, plus they, too, taste bad if you are having full contact oral sex. Its the aluminum for one of them.
Ditto for "feminine hygiene" deodorants and REALLY ditto for the taste bad part. Sweetie, if we are 69, I do not want a synthetic strawberry smell in my nose, taste in my mouth. It lasts way too long.
Hygiene is being clean, not coating yourself with cover-up smells. This is not to say a FINE perfume tactically placed cannot go beyond
If you pee in an interlude of sex, wash with a light soap, rinse and come on back to bed. I will be happy you thought of me.
I don't think I am alone in saying I don't like the taste of pee.
Ditto and more for #2 in the loo.
A brief suggestion. Just be clean. Take showers regularly. At work, maybe rinse underarms on a long day.
Research suggests the antiperspirants don't really work that well anyway.
f. Do you really need a $150 hairdo to feel attractive?
g. Or a $150 manicure / pedicure?
h. Or a $10K spa weekend?
All of us are pretty, plain or ugly and all the "treatments" in the world won't change this. We can do our best is all. And getting beauty sleep does not work either.
7. A $100K+ sports car in America. There is simply no where to drive it, its at high risk for theft and sale in Russia or South America and it really won't make you a better lover.
8. A $50K + SUV UNLESS you really do go off-road a lot and need one. Hunters, photographers, campers sure, why not if you have the cash. The rest of the car buying public can be much more comfy in other vehicles.
9. Two million dollar mobile homes / travel vehicles. What are you thinking about?
10. Why is everything a war today? Pizza wars, NY vs. Chicago. Iron Chef challenges. Throw downs. Power eating challenges. Why are there no cooperations rather than all those wars?
11. Why don't Americans have health care for all?
12. The Olympic "sports" of banner waving and organized swimming. I am sure power eating and poker are coming up. See below.
13. Why is power eating considered a sport and on ESPN? They should be ashamed OR go a step further and have power drinking, power crack smoking, power heroin shooting and power cocaine snorting too.
14. Why is poker also considered a sport and on ESPN? How's this, have a gambling channel and put all the casino games on it ! There is little in the way of sport in any of them. Skill, yes, sport no.
I consider no-limit hold'em poker fully equal to bridge, chess, checkers and go. These could also be on the gambling channel if played for money.
15. Why is pot illegal and both cigarettes and alcohol are? There is a profit motive at work here and the hordes of religionists don't want anyone to have fun. Maybe they designed the crotchless panties as an attempt at titillation. But why?
16. Why are so many teens funneled to college when they could do much better heading to work, trade school, the military, police, fire department and so on.
Go to work. Later if you find you are needing college, go there with the money YOU earned.
17. Why do people use air fresheners? Just get more air from the source. Its already fresh.
18. Duvets don't make sense to me. What's wrong with sheets and blankets?
19. In UK motels and hotels, wash rags are often not there. I have never been to a hotel or motel in the US that didn't have them, even the no tell motels.
I went to a nice UK motel. The room was OK, if pricey. I inspected the bathroom and was surprised to find no wash cloth. The British call them face flannels for some reason.
Anyway, there was a 3/8" thick $50 towel all warmed up on a $200 towel heater that cost more to run daily than a wash cloth would be just to throw away.
I walked downstairs to investigate. The the bitchy desk clerk looked at me like I had just farted out of tune when I asked for a wash rag. "We don't have those." Now this is just silly. It doesn't make sense.
If you travel in the UK you are expected to bring your own wash rag regardless the price of the hotel room.
Here is a quote from the TV show Monk regarding the British. Its sort of related.
Natalie says, " My grandpa quit his job as a pharmacist and started a toothpaste company in London. In England. Talk about optimism. "
20. Political "pork barrel" projects. I saw one in Louisiana, the state with the very finest politicians money can buy. I was driving along the Mississippi river one day.
There, crossing the highway I was on, was another highway that headed over the river. The bridge was completed. It got almost to the river's edge. Pork at its finest.
What if we took another look at this sort of thing and called it treason to pad decent bills with pork or to sponsor a pork project? The person responsible goes to jail for this. One of definitions OF treason, "A betrayal of trust or confidence."
Would pork projects continue if the sponsors/perpetrators were promptly put in prison in the general population in his or her state and they were labeled as traitors?
You don't want to be in the general population in any US prison. Really. Talk about your ass being on the line...
21. The death penalty does not make sense for reasons I have previously written about, mainly the cost to citizens plus, its pretty much not reversible.
There was a recent study, that contradicted earlier studies. It suggested the death penalty does reduce fatal crimes. I was suspicious of the statistics. Still, the cost is prohibitive in my view.
Just convict the person to the level of life in prison and let it go. Imagine if you were in prison. Would you rather be there for decades or be dead?
Raise your hand. My hand is raised for being dead. IF the convicted also raised his or her hand, they get their wish. The public loses.
Make convicts live, suffer and in the very slight chance they didn't do the heinous crime and are exonerated, they get to reenter society which they would not, had they been poisoned, shot, electrocuted, shivved or the like.
In an actuarial sense, I would vote for the exonerated to at least be given a decent place in public housing, medicaid and SSI.
Oops. Here is where some confusion rains. I left some things out from the original post. Sorry.
22. "Air guitar" makes no sense to me. Nor does "air drums" and competitions in these two are just wrong. Learn to play the instruments in front of your wiiiii sort of device or just play with yourself.
22a. Karoke makes no sense either and seems related to 22.
23. DJs who become local celebrities adding a separate beat by scratching records. How silly is that? If the song isn't good enough, get better songs. You might have to return to the early 70s and before to find them however.
24. Flair bar tending seems confusing to me as well. Its now considered one of those silly "sports" much like gluttony and poker and it is also on TV.
Make a good fucking drink. Serve it. Get paid. Done.
OK, its sort of fun to watch for about 4 minutes but I would rather have my drink served quickly and the bartenders can dance around between serving times.
25. You can add things here. Just send them in.
26. or maybe 32? I have lost count. WTF is up with cake art, aka sugar art? Didn't their mother tell them not to waste food and about those starving people in China, or was it Africa?
At present, there are several regular TV shows on food oriented channels that present this absurdity. Well, it just confuses me and I hope they stop.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Da Personals
Ever wonder if there is someone here online for you if you are damaged?
Sure the personal ad sites all STATE there is. Some have elaborate tests to match you with someone/s. AND its the holidays. Who shouldn't be happy during holidays?
Control yourself. People lie or extend themselves. They, too, are looking online on these sites, hoping for a holiday treat, maybe you, and you know you are no treat.
Its not a picnic knowing a damaged person. Maybe its not a panic either but isn't this best dealt with in person?
I wrote the following several years ago and just got reminded how true it is. Silly me.
Internet Romance
Robin Hall
This very morning I got email.
“Hi, Wonderful.” it said. I felt
great and kept reading. “I really
liked your personalize ad. I agree
with you so much I just had to
write. I am looking for the
same sort of relationship. We
look at the world in the same
way and I hope to hear from you
very soon. I really loved what you
said about learning new things all
the time.”
All right! A woman after my own
heart, nice use of a few words, perhaps too
many typos and misspellings, but
what the hay?
I wrote back right away.
The whole enchilada: picture, blog,
more info, reply to the personal
notes she included. By noon I was
almost in love. Then, nothing. No
word for 3 WHOLE hours, a seeming
eternity on the Internet.
Finally about 4 PM this came,
“I am in a verbally
Abusive relationship
Of twenty years and can’t get out.
Oh, I am sorry, yes, I do smoke and
What did that word polyamory mean?
WHAT? Well, I never intended to pursue
That sort of thing, perhaps we can
Be friends. No, I never heard of PalTalk or Skype.
No, I don’t live anywhere near you, I
Am in Oregon. I was just looking for
Someone to talk to.”
Folks, what’s going on here?
Well, while we were not looking
A new thing happened.
It sneaked into some of our lives,
Jumped all over us
Changed the way we communicate
Then confused us to boot.
Why would we tell:
Our life story,
To a complete stranger,
Think they are real,
Expect them to behave as we want,
And be hurt when they don’t?
What is that?
Or have we all gone mad?
We used to meet at work,
Church, through friends and yes,
Even ads. Then we would
Wait for the mail.
Hoping, expecting, dreaming
Of a bright future, planning.
We might wait for days, weeks,
Months, years.
Now, if the server is down,
The computer crashes,
The lines are busy,
The other person has other things to
Do and a few hours pass without word
We are willing to dismiss the
Whole damn thing.
Rats, she didn’t write this morning.
It must have been something I said.
Maybe she has a new boyfriend. How can
I find her to say I am sorry? Uh, now
What was her name? Where did I put my
Address book?
Repeat the first paragraph.
This is a Recording.
© Robin Hall 2009
Sure the personal ad sites all STATE there is. Some have elaborate tests to match you with someone/s. AND its the holidays. Who shouldn't be happy during holidays?
Control yourself. People lie or extend themselves. They, too, are looking online on these sites, hoping for a holiday treat, maybe you, and you know you are no treat.
Its not a picnic knowing a damaged person. Maybe its not a panic either but isn't this best dealt with in person?
I wrote the following several years ago and just got reminded how true it is. Silly me.
Internet Romance
Robin Hall
This very morning I got email.
“Hi, Wonderful.” it said. I felt
great and kept reading. “I really
liked your personalize ad. I agree
with you so much I just had to
write. I am looking for the
same sort of relationship. We
look at the world in the same
way and I hope to hear from you
very soon. I really loved what you
said about learning new things all
the time.”
All right! A woman after my own
heart, nice use of a few words, perhaps too
many typos and misspellings, but
what the hay?
I wrote back right away.
The whole enchilada: picture, blog,
more info, reply to the personal
notes she included. By noon I was
almost in love. Then, nothing. No
word for 3 WHOLE hours, a seeming
eternity on the Internet.
Finally about 4 PM this came,
“I am in a verbally
Abusive relationship
Of twenty years and can’t get out.
Oh, I am sorry, yes, I do smoke and
What did that word polyamory mean?
WHAT? Well, I never intended to pursue
That sort of thing, perhaps we can
Be friends. No, I never heard of PalTalk or Skype.
No, I don’t live anywhere near you, I
Am in Oregon. I was just looking for
Someone to talk to.”
Folks, what’s going on here?
Well, while we were not looking
A new thing happened.
It sneaked into some of our lives,
Jumped all over us
Changed the way we communicate
Then confused us to boot.
Why would we tell:
Our life story,
To a complete stranger,
Think they are real,
Expect them to behave as we want,
And be hurt when they don’t?
What is that?
Or have we all gone mad?
We used to meet at work,
Church, through friends and yes,
Even ads. Then we would
Wait for the mail.
Hoping, expecting, dreaming
Of a bright future, planning.
We might wait for days, weeks,
Months, years.
Now, if the server is down,
The computer crashes,
The lines are busy,
The other person has other things to
Do and a few hours pass without word
We are willing to dismiss the
Whole damn thing.
Rats, she didn’t write this morning.
It must have been something I said.
Maybe she has a new boyfriend. How can
I find her to say I am sorry? Uh, now
What was her name? Where did I put my
Address book?
Repeat the first paragraph.
This is a Recording.
© Robin Hall 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Two Poems
Days of Wine and Roses
They are not long, the weeping and laughter,
Love, desire and hate.
I think they have no portion in us after
We pass the gate.
They are not long,
The days of wine and roses.
Out of a misty dream
Our path emerges for a while,
Then closes within a dream.
Ernest Dowson
Hopefully the above is close.
How Heavy The Days
How heavy the days are.
There's not a fire that can warm me,
Not a sun to laugh with me,
Everything bare,
Everything cold and merciless,
And even the beloved, clear
Stars look desolately down,
Since I learned in my heart that
Love can die.
Hermann Hesse
They are not long, the weeping and laughter,
Love, desire and hate.
I think they have no portion in us after
We pass the gate.
They are not long,
The days of wine and roses.
Out of a misty dream
Our path emerges for a while,
Then closes within a dream.
Ernest Dowson
Hopefully the above is close.
How Heavy The Days
How heavy the days are.
There's not a fire that can warm me,
Not a sun to laugh with me,
Everything bare,
Everything cold and merciless,
And even the beloved, clear
Stars look desolately down,
Since I learned in my heart that
Love can die.
Hermann Hesse
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What does this all mean?
Marc Yu, Lang Lang, Howard Gardner, Ellen Winner. Brain Child on National Geographic.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
My favorite artists.
A new artform by San Base:
Salvadore Dali:
Gilbert Williams:
René François Ghislain Magritte:
Photography by Galen Rowell:
Salvadore Dali:
Gilbert Williams:
René François Ghislain Magritte:
Photography by Galen Rowell:
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
I saw this movie today.
I read reviews after watching it.
Here is MY view. This is a seminal film. Great acting by Pitt and Blanchett, extraordinary cgi and make-up.
In 2008, this is a film that epitomizes what can be done with the real and the computerized.
Pitt's stillness is simply wonderful. Blanchett shines on so many levels its like the sun has risen on a new age of acting.
I look forward to future movies and hope the writing can keep up. That the stories don't devolve to the current comic book mentality. That adult interests are considered in it all...
Use movie critics after the fact, maybe to fill in the blanks, to add to YOUR information. Watch LOTS of flicks. Make up your own mind. Watch more movies. Repeat.
Its the same for any art form: dance, music, painting, sculpture, fiber art, photography... Experience LOTS of it, maybe make your own art, then and only then see what the critics have to say and be absolutely willing to ignore them all.
I read reviews after watching it.
Here is MY view. This is a seminal film. Great acting by Pitt and Blanchett, extraordinary cgi and make-up.
In 2008, this is a film that epitomizes what can be done with the real and the computerized.
Pitt's stillness is simply wonderful. Blanchett shines on so many levels its like the sun has risen on a new age of acting.
I look forward to future movies and hope the writing can keep up. That the stories don't devolve to the current comic book mentality. That adult interests are considered in it all...
Use movie critics after the fact, maybe to fill in the blanks, to add to YOUR information. Watch LOTS of flicks. Make up your own mind. Watch more movies. Repeat.
Its the same for any art form: dance, music, painting, sculpture, fiber art, photography... Experience LOTS of it, maybe make your own art, then and only then see what the critics have to say and be absolutely willing to ignore them all.
Brad Pitt,
Cate Blanchett,
film critics,
movie reviews,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Take Nasal Hair, Please
You all know I am not right in the head. I might be insane which = serious depression OR schizophrenia OR many kinds of outside trauma or combinations of these and who knows what other diseases.
I will try to get to most body functions over time. I am pretty sure intestinal winds will show up again soon.
Today's note is about the hair in my nose. Sure, one needs this hair to filter out pollen but let's face it, nasal hair does NOT do that good a job with pollen or bacteria, or viruses.
Sure, this hair is supposed to also keep out roaches, bees, wasps and earwigs. My apartment has none of these so I can experiment.
I have found over the last week that my overly active senses are upsetting me with nose hair moving, and I am detecting the itch from, air flowing in and out of my nose.
This is just wrong and its true. I had to do some serious clipping today so I could get to sleep later on or not be awakened even later.
You can see the sort of problems I face.
I am pretty sure Hercules had no greater task when cleaning the Aegean stables. Maybe he was just hallucinating and it was nose hair.
I will try to get to most body functions over time. I am pretty sure intestinal winds will show up again soon.
Today's note is about the hair in my nose. Sure, one needs this hair to filter out pollen but let's face it, nasal hair does NOT do that good a job with pollen or bacteria, or viruses.
Sure, this hair is supposed to also keep out roaches, bees, wasps and earwigs. My apartment has none of these so I can experiment.
I have found over the last week that my overly active senses are upsetting me with nose hair moving, and I am detecting the itch from, air flowing in and out of my nose.
This is just wrong and its true. I had to do some serious clipping today so I could get to sleep later on or not be awakened even later.
You can see the sort of problems I face.
I am pretty sure Hercules had no greater task when cleaning the Aegean stables. Maybe he was just hallucinating and it was nose hair.
Monday, February 23, 2009
" It is the worst of days. "
Every few years, I have a day of grace. "It is the best of times."
I try to write about these days and put the notes here. There are maybe 3 of these since I began writing 18 years back.
Every few months however, " It is the worst of times, " like the last 36 hours.
Some shrinks suggest there are triggers for these. Of course this is just another guess in their HUGE arsenal of guesses. If only they KNEW.
The bad days often take me by surprise. Slowly I sink deeper into depression, slowly.
For those of you who read my notes here, I will add that I am a drunk now. Only the last 6 years of the 48 I have had this syndrome. I DKN, do not know, how these are related.
Anyway. I either begin to feel worse and worse by the hour OR I might just have the whole shebang when I wake up. Both are nasty.
Today I woke up with a gorilla on my back. Everything hurt. LIGHTS hurt. SOUND hurt. I was constipated. I was cold. I was groggy from only 3 hours of sleep but I could not get back to sleep.
A few hours later I kept falling asleep for a half hour or so the rest of the day.
I wanted to shoot something, maybe the moon, maybe a helpless tree, some building. I wanted to shout at the world, which I did several times. I wonder what the neighbors think?
I could not watch TV, access the Internet or think.
Mostly I just lay in the dark of my room dozing and crying and dozing and shouting. Insanity. Insanity.
I was starving and could not eat. My stomach hurt.
I finally did eat some cottage cheese and fell asleep again and was cold.
My eyes hurt and were dry. Drops don't help during this time.
Finally after 34 or so hours, this insanity fever of deep depression began to lift. I had lots of coffee which didn't help earlier. I finally had a bathroom experience dripping from both ends. I had a shower and am here writing in my journal.
If you are a psychiatrist or therapist who only reads about depression or observes your customers, here is how to experience this directly. You will NEVER again think the same way about your clients, I guarantee this.
The next time you have the flu, or a VERY bad cold, start drinking alcohol till you are drunker than you usually get or have ever gotten. Do be careful not to poison yourself however.
Set your alarm for less than half your normal sleep period before you fall asleep.
Get up. Set a LOUD alarm for 15 minutes and let it ring a bit. Do this 3 more times.
While you are awake, turn all the lights on, open the curtains etc. Turn up the radio with blaring punk junk or rap crap, make sure you are pretty cold and sit there suffering. Its not fair to take anything just yet, not even water.
At the end of an hour, begin taking notes on how you feel and write your report.
SAVE this report. Refer to it before you see your next client with depression.
That experience is pretty close to how we feel. But NONE of your clients will be better in a few days like you will.
They will have this sort of really bad day many times a year and lesser versions weekly or daily.
Reading about depression and observing it is NOT enough for you people and you usually think it is.
It is not.
I try to write about these days and put the notes here. There are maybe 3 of these since I began writing 18 years back.
Every few months however, " It is the worst of times, " like the last 36 hours.
Some shrinks suggest there are triggers for these. Of course this is just another guess in their HUGE arsenal of guesses. If only they KNEW.
The bad days often take me by surprise. Slowly I sink deeper into depression, slowly.
For those of you who read my notes here, I will add that I am a drunk now. Only the last 6 years of the 48 I have had this syndrome. I DKN, do not know, how these are related.
Anyway. I either begin to feel worse and worse by the hour OR I might just have the whole shebang when I wake up. Both are nasty.
Today I woke up with a gorilla on my back. Everything hurt. LIGHTS hurt. SOUND hurt. I was constipated. I was cold. I was groggy from only 3 hours of sleep but I could not get back to sleep.
A few hours later I kept falling asleep for a half hour or so the rest of the day.
I wanted to shoot something, maybe the moon, maybe a helpless tree, some building. I wanted to shout at the world, which I did several times. I wonder what the neighbors think?
I could not watch TV, access the Internet or think.
Mostly I just lay in the dark of my room dozing and crying and dozing and shouting. Insanity. Insanity.
I was starving and could not eat. My stomach hurt.
I finally did eat some cottage cheese and fell asleep again and was cold.
My eyes hurt and were dry. Drops don't help during this time.
Finally after 34 or so hours, this insanity fever of deep depression began to lift. I had lots of coffee which didn't help earlier. I finally had a bathroom experience dripping from both ends. I had a shower and am here writing in my journal.
If you are a psychiatrist or therapist who only reads about depression or observes your customers, here is how to experience this directly. You will NEVER again think the same way about your clients, I guarantee this.
The next time you have the flu, or a VERY bad cold, start drinking alcohol till you are drunker than you usually get or have ever gotten. Do be careful not to poison yourself however.
Set your alarm for less than half your normal sleep period before you fall asleep.
Get up. Set a LOUD alarm for 15 minutes and let it ring a bit. Do this 3 more times.
While you are awake, turn all the lights on, open the curtains etc. Turn up the radio with blaring punk junk or rap crap, make sure you are pretty cold and sit there suffering. Its not fair to take anything just yet, not even water.
At the end of an hour, begin taking notes on how you feel and write your report.
SAVE this report. Refer to it before you see your next client with depression.
That experience is pretty close to how we feel. But NONE of your clients will be better in a few days like you will.
They will have this sort of really bad day many times a year and lesser versions weekly or daily.
Reading about depression and observing it is NOT enough for you people and you usually think it is.
It is not.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Just google the word if its not one you know.
Anhedonia is one of the primary effects of depression. I don't know if ones family and friends notice it before one does.
Imagine a world without pleasure. Don't spend too much time with this however, its depressing.
Imagine a world without passion either.
Its a life lived in gray scale with only 2 steps: one can deal with the world. One cannot.
So imagine a world where other people can have diametrically opposed views of you and both can be correct at any moment.
HOWEVER, at another moment the very same people can have the opposite "person" in front of them so what do they do? How are they supposed to react?
Character comes into play. "They," others, can study up on "our" problems, depression in this instance. They can integrate the illness of their friend or family member into their lives or they can retreat to the safety of rejection.
Character comes into play.
The afflicted one is in the middle.
If you have an afflicted one in your family, or you are the friend of an afflicted one, be honest with yourself and them.
Tell them you will stick around. That is character.
OR, again, just be honest, tell them you are a coward, are not up to the task at hand and you need to reject them.
Think of all the time you will save if you do either of these.
Those with character have taken on a lifetime commitment that will be rewarded somehow, in the end.
Those with no character can try to forget what they have done. Maybe they can do better with another person, another situation.
Or for the terminally silly, like catholics, they can just go to confession and be absolved.
Who needs character when some man in silly clothes can eliminate, by proxy, all your failings?
Anhedonia is one of the primary effects of depression. I don't know if ones family and friends notice it before one does.
Imagine a world without pleasure. Don't spend too much time with this however, its depressing.
Imagine a world without passion either.
Its a life lived in gray scale with only 2 steps: one can deal with the world. One cannot.
So imagine a world where other people can have diametrically opposed views of you and both can be correct at any moment.
HOWEVER, at another moment the very same people can have the opposite "person" in front of them so what do they do? How are they supposed to react?
Character comes into play. "They," others, can study up on "our" problems, depression in this instance. They can integrate the illness of their friend or family member into their lives or they can retreat to the safety of rejection.
Character comes into play.
The afflicted one is in the middle.
If you have an afflicted one in your family, or you are the friend of an afflicted one, be honest with yourself and them.
Tell them you will stick around. That is character.
OR, again, just be honest, tell them you are a coward, are not up to the task at hand and you need to reject them.
Think of all the time you will save if you do either of these.
Those with character have taken on a lifetime commitment that will be rewarded somehow, in the end.
Those with no character can try to forget what they have done. Maybe they can do better with another person, another situation.
Or for the terminally silly, like catholics, they can just go to confession and be absolved.
Who needs character when some man in silly clothes can eliminate, by proxy, all your failings?
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