Monday, May 28, 2007

Several notes

I don't think I actually said I was sane. Several notes not written at the best of times.

The Trouble Today
Robin Hall

I wonder if this should be called the Trouble Today vs. The Trouble Tomorrow or The Trouble Yesterday. Well, who cairz?

So, todayz topic is trouble? I am watching a movie. Its pretty good, I usually like Robin Williams. Night Listener was good, he was MUCH more than good, as usual. There was trouble in the film.

Drat. I see that today's topic is not just trouble. Its movies, TV: entertainment. Perhaps more accurately, its about how I experience trouble and most other vagaries of human thought and emotion through movies... Most of the time I feel I am just a voyeur in life.

Later today I watched another flick that is excellent by any measure, Proof. Its in the same vein as A Beautiful Mind, another fine math themed flick. I liked Proof better. There was trouble in this film too. Maybe the topic IS trouble.

Well, that's the sort of day I have: I HOPE to view a good movie or find a terrific new TV show so I have some human interaction sort of thing going on even though its me watching others have interactions on the screen. Its not much of a life but its the one I live.

You wouldn't want this life. It would be trouble.

I & Just say no.
Robin Hall

Hi, I'm Robin and I am a smoker. Hi, Robin. Etc.

Why do we have to go to all these meetings? Why are so many REALLY dangerous drugs so addictive AND so legal: alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and sugar, bad fats etc.? And don't think these are the only ones folks get to used to.

The OTC painkillers are currently under review and EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM, for trashing our livers, kidneys, hearts, eyes. We are being killed by the painkillers AND the LEGAL drugs AND certain foods and somehow this is being missed or ignored and we are being killed.

[ Sneaking in the other item here, just say no. DAMN. It would likely work in retrospect but how many of us live in retrospect? Its like having 20/20 hindsight on tomorrow. ]

Well, I am going to try to stay shut of tobacco and I am going, once again, to try to get rid of alcohol and its a toss up for either. Luckily I don't use OTC painkillers since alcohol kills pain but when I don't drink, the pain returns and I return to the OTCs. Shit or some other expletive.

I can live without much caffeine but I do nod off more. So its me against tobacco. Its me against alcohol. No one is on my side, or yours, if its you against these. We must find a way to tunnel through these addictions. We must live with the pains so the OTC painkillers don't kill us. We must and can we? These are the daily questions and so far I have no answer that works and likely won't and even if I do, its for me but each of us MUST find a path to sobriety IF there is one and few of us DO find that path. The stats are very bad. Very.

Now in these cases, addictions, whoever first said, "Just say no," was doing us all a favor. NO first use of the drugs, NO addictions and I subscribe to this after much thought. Its a tautology in a sense yet a rock solid truth.

Later, IF we ignore this, chemistry WILL kick us in the ass and we are living in a world that is no longer ours.

OK, I am thinking that just say no, to sex is really silly, but to drugs its good. How many of us ARE thinking when drugs are first presented? Later, we are totally fucked and WISH we had said no and we didn't and now the suffering begins.

DRAT. I LIKE drugs now that I am addicted. I hate them too. They are expensive. They always hurt me. They are often fun. They are shit. I bet the drug companies KNOW this, encourage it: the addictions and profit.

Just say no. Hmm. Who knew how cool a statement this really was?

Check Your Shorts
Robin Hall

Ever have to check your shorts? Maybe you are getting older, getting OLD, and a fart is dangerous, sometimes fluid and you must check your shorts a LOT these days. Maybe its another cause than aging but real.

Once, at least, you failed in public, a full melt down, the one you feared for several decades and you poo your pants in public and regardless of how few folks saw this, YOU DID and you are forever changed by this one small human failing.

There are other failings in the future, human ones, embarrassing ones even if you are the only person to know. You pee in your pants or on your bed. That sort of thing. You fall over. You must give up your driver's license because you actually drove off the road when your sight had failed.

My grandma had this happen. She turned her license in and never drove again. Its is top notch human behavior. She did the right thing at the right time.

Well, there is much more to talk about. I hope you find something here that is useful.

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