Saturday, March 17, 2007


Robin Hall

Woke up this morning, rerun,
Same as before, rerun
Tomorrow's like the others, rerun
This is my life, rerun, rerun, rerun.

Watching old movies, rerun
My car's just the same, rerun,
On my third marriage, rerun,
Watching it fold, rerun, rerun, rerun.

Noises all round me, rerun,
Bright lights abound, rerun,
Blank walls surround me, rerun,
No where to turn, rerun, rerun, rerun.

Walking the sidewalks, rerun,
Seeking the sun, rerun,
Weather is awful, rerun, rerun
Nothing to do, rerun, rerun, rerun.

Clock ticking loudly, rerun,
Cat howling too, rerun,
Chair scrapes the ceiling, rerun,
Time passes slow, rerun, rerun, rerun.

Reading ain't easy, rerun,
Sitting's a drag, rerun,
Windows are covered, rerun,
Can't see a thing, rerun. rerun. rerun.

Hiding here lonely, rerun,
Time's running out, rerun
Day's are a nightmare, rerun,
Nightmare's a daze, rerun, rerun, rerun.

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