Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fiber will make you free !!!

Well, I am not a doctor nor have I played one on TV. However I did play doctor with Jeff Warner's sister those many years back. : ^) Anyway, about 18 years ago there were a number of books out on food fiber and I read some of them I had found in Buffalo's wonderful library. I experimented for years, tried many of the prepared ones and finally made my own. Here it is. I drink about 6 oz. after a meal and it works for me. Just thought to share it. Where else but with thefirstdukeofurl's blog is food fiber discussed?
I use filtered water.1 quart of water.4 heaping tbs. rolled oats4 heaping tbs. raw wheat bran 1 cup of raisins and no need to pack them Mix the dry ingredients, add water, bring to a boil, then simmer for 5 minutes. STIR A LOT, or else. Let cool and put it into the fridge. I put mine into the freezer for a while first. Then I drink 6 oz. with about 2 oz. added water after each meal. This is all I have to say about foods other than some chocolate notes, beer notes and ice cream notes later on.

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