Thursday, May 31, 2007

No Insurance

No Insurance
Robin Hall

For none of my adult life have I had insurance. Imagine living 42 years with a deadly illness, major depression syndrome for me, my IT, OCD and physiological anxiety AND not having insurance. That works out to: NO decent hospital ever. No doctor up to the task or one even trying to help. No place to stay that had a social worker.

That works out to a life alone because there was simply no help EVER that mattered. Sure, I got in to free clinics and had 23 hospitalizations but NOT a single one that was decent let alone good. That includes 4 state hospitals and you really don't want to be in one of them.

Then there were over 35 so-called doctors cum psychiatrists many of whom STATED they had just the thing for me whether it was the very latest drug or long term analysis which disappeared immediately when some sham of a doctor found out I had no insurance.

An interesting thing happened on the next visit to that particular so-called healer, doctor, scam artist. He had STATED in the first visit he could help me, about how many treatments a week it would take and suggested several years of analysis but the next visit, when he had found out I had no insurance, he did a 360 degree turn, yes, that's two 180s, and all of a sudden, there simply was NO treatment since I was not ill at all and my "sad sack" lifestyle was the only thing that needed mending and he wasn't going to treat me. Hmm. I smell a rat/fucker. That was in Buffalo, the fellow was asian. Beware.

With NO insurance what is one to do? Whatever your illness, no insurance means, here in the USA, low rent, IF ANY, treatment. Even going to the emergency room when you need a few stitches is not possible. A cough turns into the flu and you still have no treatment.

A torn meniscus takes almost a year to find someone who will tend to it.

No meds for anything without risking jail for unpaid bills when the deductible part comes calling.


Well, that is only part of a life. I didn't mention being so poor that one month I bought 50 pound sacks of oats and wheat bran from the feed store so I could eat. No, and more, or less. Poverty does not pay.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Damn IT

Damn IT
Robin Hall

The hurricane, the tornado of IT is upon me. The drugs don't work. In some parts of the day the alcohol does let me forget, but damn IT.

My IT is depression, your IT might be schizophrenia, cancer or a recent car wreck. The days when all you can do is try to stay sane.

With depression, my IT, whatever I do is wrong. Every emotion I have flies by faster than I can observe. I laugh, cry, scream in pain and the rage is upon me. I sit just inside the eye of the hurricane all but pulled apart and too dizzy to grab a single emotion. I don't know where I am, what time it is. If there are several personalities here, well, we are more confused than usual.

Only once or twice a month are we hit by these hurricanes. We forget within a day or two. Get hit again. Wish the brain had its own weather channel and our "life WAS on video tape," and our remote had new batteries. Maybe its enough to have an extra case of vodka. We just don't know do we?

Monday, May 28, 2007

Several notes

I don't think I actually said I was sane. Several notes not written at the best of times.

The Trouble Today
Robin Hall

I wonder if this should be called the Trouble Today vs. The Trouble Tomorrow or The Trouble Yesterday. Well, who cairz?

So, todayz topic is trouble? I am watching a movie. Its pretty good, I usually like Robin Williams. Night Listener was good, he was MUCH more than good, as usual. There was trouble in the film.

Drat. I see that today's topic is not just trouble. Its movies, TV: entertainment. Perhaps more accurately, its about how I experience trouble and most other vagaries of human thought and emotion through movies... Most of the time I feel I am just a voyeur in life.

Later today I watched another flick that is excellent by any measure, Proof. Its in the same vein as A Beautiful Mind, another fine math themed flick. I liked Proof better. There was trouble in this film too. Maybe the topic IS trouble.

Well, that's the sort of day I have: I HOPE to view a good movie or find a terrific new TV show so I have some human interaction sort of thing going on even though its me watching others have interactions on the screen. Its not much of a life but its the one I live.

You wouldn't want this life. It would be trouble.

I & Just say no.
Robin Hall

Hi, I'm Robin and I am a smoker. Hi, Robin. Etc.

Why do we have to go to all these meetings? Why are so many REALLY dangerous drugs so addictive AND so legal: alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and sugar, bad fats etc.? And don't think these are the only ones folks get to used to.

The OTC painkillers are currently under review and EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM, for trashing our livers, kidneys, hearts, eyes. We are being killed by the painkillers AND the LEGAL drugs AND certain foods and somehow this is being missed or ignored and we are being killed.

[ Sneaking in the other item here, just say no. DAMN. It would likely work in retrospect but how many of us live in retrospect? Its like having 20/20 hindsight on tomorrow. ]

Well, I am going to try to stay shut of tobacco and I am going, once again, to try to get rid of alcohol and its a toss up for either. Luckily I don't use OTC painkillers since alcohol kills pain but when I don't drink, the pain returns and I return to the OTCs. Shit or some other expletive.

I can live without much caffeine but I do nod off more. So its me against tobacco. Its me against alcohol. No one is on my side, or yours, if its you against these. We must find a way to tunnel through these addictions. We must live with the pains so the OTC painkillers don't kill us. We must and can we? These are the daily questions and so far I have no answer that works and likely won't and even if I do, its for me but each of us MUST find a path to sobriety IF there is one and few of us DO find that path. The stats are very bad. Very.

Now in these cases, addictions, whoever first said, "Just say no," was doing us all a favor. NO first use of the drugs, NO addictions and I subscribe to this after much thought. Its a tautology in a sense yet a rock solid truth.

Later, IF we ignore this, chemistry WILL kick us in the ass and we are living in a world that is no longer ours.

OK, I am thinking that just say no, to sex is really silly, but to drugs its good. How many of us ARE thinking when drugs are first presented? Later, we are totally fucked and WISH we had said no and we didn't and now the suffering begins.

DRAT. I LIKE drugs now that I am addicted. I hate them too. They are expensive. They always hurt me. They are often fun. They are shit. I bet the drug companies KNOW this, encourage it: the addictions and profit.

Just say no. Hmm. Who knew how cool a statement this really was?

Check Your Shorts
Robin Hall

Ever have to check your shorts? Maybe you are getting older, getting OLD, and a fart is dangerous, sometimes fluid and you must check your shorts a LOT these days. Maybe its another cause than aging but real.

Once, at least, you failed in public, a full melt down, the one you feared for several decades and you poo your pants in public and regardless of how few folks saw this, YOU DID and you are forever changed by this one small human failing.

There are other failings in the future, human ones, embarrassing ones even if you are the only person to know. You pee in your pants or on your bed. That sort of thing. You fall over. You must give up your driver's license because you actually drove off the road when your sight had failed.

My grandma had this happen. She turned her license in and never drove again. Its is top notch human behavior. She did the right thing at the right time.

Well, there is much more to talk about. I hope you find something here that is useful.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fuck Movie Critics

Fuck Movie Critics
Robin Hall

OK, don't really try to do this. Some might like it but its wrong.

No, I mean, watch your own movies. Sure there are some critics who's opinions or reviews might suggest a good flick. Mark these critics, watch the flicks. But there are fine flicks that most of them miss or trash when actually the flick might interest YOU.

[ Movie critics / reviewers / raters have four tasks that are of interest to me. I want these folks to:

1. Tell the truth. Oy, wouldn't that be nice. Some actually do tell the truth for them. "I really liked this film and here is why." I don't have to agree with them. All I want is that they tell their own truth. I can read their view and TRUST that they told the truth for them and I make up my own mind if I want to watch the film. I can HATE their view but if its the truth and consistent I know what I will likely do, rent the flick or not.

2. Observe the audience's reactions to the film and add this to the review. I know of no film critic / reviewer / rater who does this and I REALLY want this to be something the reviewer values or at least observes and reports, the audience and its reactions and no reviewer goes this far.

3. Input their credentials. Why should we, your readers care what you say if you don't tell us?

"I have an MA in film criticism at USC and have had a column in the Boston Globe for 5 years for instance. Those are credentials.

I have watched 4000 films, have an MA in communication and write reviews for the Palm Beach Post are credentials too. Just show me, tell me.

You liking movies and wanting to give your opinion are not credentials that matter to me and I would definitely wonder about consistency.

4. Pause briefly. IF you are writing a lengthy review for film students, peers, why not write a short version too, for movie goers? Stars, BRIEF synopsis, NO tells about the ending. HONESTY upfront. I liked it this much x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx or stars, clowns, cows, fish etc.]

For instance, I LOVED Dune and Animal House yet found only one critic who cared for Dune and none that would 'fess up to liking Animal House. Worse, I liked Brotherhood of the Bell and Maltin removed it from his books for some reason.

I did like the film critic Gene Siskel but he died and didn't let me know beforehand. I hated his takes on foreign films.

I wager that Ty Burr knows his stuff but he also spends way too much time on films that I have to read the lines on the bottom of. Heck, even Ebert knows his stuff but really...

Take Apocalypto for instance. FUCK the critics. Now I didn't do this of course and I didn't read a single review. It just sounded interesting, I rented it and it REALLY was interesting. Fabulous production values. LOTS to think about and then reconsider and think more and...

What does some critic's view matter and the answer is, it does not.

A better question for me is how do I find more quality movies FOR ME? Usually, I trust the actors themselves. I subscribe to NetFlix. They allow me to peruse or see blurbs of all of the star's movies that NF has. I read the blurbs and put the films in my queue.

I have had little luck picking films by director. I have very good luck picking flicks by the top stars.

For the above film, Apocalypto I wanted to see more about the top warrior of each group for instance. NF allows me to search in this way.

Do your own research on movies. For that matter, think your own thoughts and live your own life.

Check out your favorite critics which is research too.

Life, what a concept.

Butter Milk and Soy Sauce For Breakfast

Butter Milk and Soy Sauce For Breakfast
Robin Hall

I was a bit skeptical about this combo but, Mmm, tasty. I also had some peanut butter with crackers and finished my breakfast with a root beer float.

This is all I have to say on the topic.

Rituals Part Two, and who the fuck made football such a life enhancing sport?

Rituals Part Two, and who the fuck made football such a life enhancing sport?
Robin Hall

First off, this note will be somewhat more confabulated than usual and be sure to read the last paragraphs.

For some reason, humans seem to need rituals. We completely made up religions and gods to serve this need. Later on we found even more need for rituals and made up sports.

Then we somehow blended sports and religions. Its only christian to cheer at a football game on Friday or Saturday then calm down in church on Sunday. Its only christian to say prayers, both for the fans and the players, to absolutely KILL your opponents.

Of course the same holds for war. EVERY war I am aware of has its own form of this but typically, some moron or other gives a prayer to THE ONLY TRUE GOD, that they KILL their opponents.

I find this confusing. Since the other team OR war opponent is doing the very same, who wins? That is who's version of god or prayer gets to claim victory?

I find it demeaning of humanity that "teams" "pray" to KILL their opponents. Do they think their own brand of religion deserves to win? And do they blame their own gods IF they lose? Is everyone missing this bullshit? I am not that smart. Maybe I am missing something or???

Think for a moment. There is true heresy going on. One team believes their prayers will bring home the trophy. The other team believes the same. The players and fans both pray to win and in any sort of logic I can come up with, one of the teams is being heretical.

The range of this foolishness is astonishing too. American football, basketball, baseball fans and players are involved in this praying to win. Most of the rest of the world has the same thing going on for football aka soccer.

Tennis is in the game, golf. I don't see that much of curling and cannot speculate on this and other minor sports like competitive eating which is now considered a sport along with poker and that silly flag waving thing now considered an Olympic sport, but what do I know?

There are MANY other attempts at life enhancing rituals. Take ISA, EST, both communication workshops elevated to ritual status. And that sort of ritual / religion perpetrated by the science fiction writer, Hubbard, uh, scientology?

Lets not forget TM and the followers of OSHO®, the man formerly know as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and I SERIOUSLY doubt HE knew of this registered or copyrighted name and isn't that silly? Is this like Prince Rogers Nelson?

I am sure all their followers will call for a fatwah or the like and I will be assassinated soon. Maybe I should be.

Still, humans do seem to want rituals and I don't see any good ones happening. Maybe some of the rituals in a novel like Dune will become popular what with the psychedelic drug involved. And isn't that similar to what users tried with LSD?

I will close now and check my mail box for a bomb.

Later note. Today I was emailing my friend and the ritual of the theater / theatre came up. I guessed that our modern day theatre IS a form of ritual like religion and sport BUT with theater, we all can participate on many levels.

With professional theatres we can visit, often view the finest of actors, view the cutting edge of stage work: lights, scenery, props and FX.

Beforehand we can read the plays and do our own thinking. Maybe another year we can be in these same plays in school or community theater.

I did all of this with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, being the cuckoo I am. It was a slightly different order but the rituals were performed, the creativity NEEDED in a good ritual so WE benefit, not just observe, that was there too.

I auditioned for the play in college. Dale Harding. I got the part, read the book, went to rehearsals, did the play.

Several years later a movie was made with our top actors. I waited eagerly and was simply overwhelmed at this HIGHLY decorated film. I got to relive EVERYTHING I had put into the ritual. I recalled the audition, reading the book, the performances then the movie THEN I did the same part in community theatre and was further amazed at it all.

This was a creative ritual that I participated in.

I didn't watch some self sanctified religious zealot telling me I needed to believe ONLY in him, his version of the rituals of life, his personal higher power.

I also did not have to sit on the sidelines of some silly sporting event, wear cartoonish clothes and shout at referees, players and other fans. At the end of the event I don't have to shout impotently, "We won, we won." Jerry Seinfeld pounced on this very thing in a routine and added something like, " No THEY won, you watched." This was fine comedy, a fine comedian.

When WE get to create our own rituals and participate in them like we can do with theater, well what more can we hope for from rituals? Hey, check out local theaters, community theatres, school theaters and give them your best: acting, directing, lights, scenery, tickets. Make your own rituals, make them fun, meaningful. Make them YOURS.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Robin Hall, first called Robert Rayburn Learmont, Jr.

I suppose there are worse things than to be born into a family who didn't want you.

I suppose there are worse things than to be born into a Scot clan too small or too insignificant to even have its own tartan.

I often wonder about lots of things like why would ones male progenitor not want his own son or why his family would not or why ones female progenitor CHOOSE not do RIGHT and tend to her first born? Yet these things are real.

When these sorts of things happen, what is the offspring to do with NO family support from either parent when one is as damaged as I am? Worse, when the parent in place refuses to observe reality AND her responsibilities? And the other half of the so-called family wishes to ignore its responsibilities, its very own child, its grandchild?

Tartans are a small part of anyone's world but the family responsibilities, which person of consciousness could do this to their own son and not make a point of fixing the wrongs THEY perpetrated on their OWN child?

Tricky questions, eh? But THEY ARE WRONG these insults to decency. Shouldn't things be fixed when they can, when they are finally observed, recognized?

Likely, nothing happens. TRUTH gets ignored. Reality is ignored. Pain for the ignored child of misfortunes continues. Life, as lived.

Raise Your Hand if you are a Drunk and read further about Inconvenient Truths

Raise Your Hand if you are a Drunk and read further about Inconvenient Truths.
Robin Hall who has his hand raised 5 21 7

Do any folks with no addiction really understand this problem? Alcohol, other drugs, even gambling, sex and MANY obsessions count here.

We, the afflicted, are left with our addictions or those silly meetings and what sort of choice is that?

What is the underlying problem? Take the views of the world's top thinkers on these problems: psychiatrists, real doctors and fringe thinkers like self sanctified psychologists. Toss in these problems. Ask them to be honest, a problem considering their training of course.

So what do you get? Imagine asking this sort of thing of a bright 12 year old, a sturdy hound or your wall. This IS the problem.

Throw in the DRUG company's PR bullshit, stir in public opinion and what do you really get?

Yes, MOST of the sufferers keep suffering. The pharmaceutical companies keep making $$ on suspiciously ill-conceived treatments that mirror so-called mental health treatments.

Duh, where are the stats that show anything real? Which sufferers would STATE they are better?

So, that is today's rant.

While I am ranting. An Inconvenient Truth by VP Gore and other Inconvenient Truths like Michael Moore's Sicko, well there are truths no one wants to know about and our futures are being trashed by our willingness to stick our heads in the sand or up our asses. Shame on us. I voted for VP Gore and felt he would have done a MUCH better job than his opponent.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Freedom FROM religion

Freedom FROM religion
Robin Hall

Do you think there would be mass slaughterings by adults if, as children, the slayers had not been twisted by the religious? Stay a while on this thought. Its not comfortable for most. Wars, suicide bombings and the like are continuing today. They kill us and we have no say in these slaughterings.

What if there was no religion? What if everyone was free to think as they chose and all were raised to think for themselves?

How many wars would not have been fought, how many lives would not been lost if there was NO RELIGION to pervert the human spirit?

Think further. Just which WAR in our history would have been fought with no religion to twist our thinking process, our minds? Point to a single major war where religion or some other form of mind control was not involved.

Name even a single war started by those of us without religion. One, just one.

Suggest why a single person would wish to blow himself or herself up if religion had not twisted their minds at an early age. Why would anyone do this?

A brief aside. Wouldn't this particular form of perversion get better overall results if the suicider just called a press conference in the middle of a large field, told their story to the press and then blew up themselves ONLY?

A problem occurs for us when we ponder this sort of thing. The problem is obvious. Its religion. Some god or other that humans made up is then changed to BE real rather than to be a way to improve on ourselves then humans began forcing children to BELIEVE and making them pay future prices for having been perverted in the first place and NO child ever asked to be perverted in this way.

Think about all the things these twisted adult religionists have forced their own societies to do or not do. Think again if these twisted brains had not been perverted in the first place by the religions some other MAN, as a rule, came up with to control others.

Now, without religion, people get to think for themselves. With it, the views of past generations of religionists RULE the present group. Seems wrong to me, allowing the perversions of MEN from past generations ruling the present.

I could be wrong but am I? Think for yourself now but remember, most of the laws are made by MEN from the past who's lives, who's thoughts were perverted by religion and THOSE MEN are ruling you today. Perverted and damaged men of the past ruling YOU today. Seems wrong to me.

How many of us wouldn't have better lives if the symbols of religion like the swastika, cross, Magen David or crescent had not been invented by MEN to remind EVERYONE of the power of their MANmade religions?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Dialing 504

Dialing 504
Robin Hall

If you have lived there, go again. If you visited there, visit again.

Tell me for an absolute certainty that your heartstrings don't connect there. Tell me this. Look me in the eye and tell me you don't want to BE there.

For some of us, well, its where we DO want to be. We may not be able to afford it. We may wish to shun it for "intellectual" reasons but its there and we WANT to be there too and how could we not?

Just watching a flick about it like a Love Song for Bobby Long draws us back.

Remembering the sweet Barbara Duffy draws us back.

ISA makes us remember. Jackson Square and smiling Andy on a horse and beignets and Tipitinas and the wonderful sounds of Professor Longhair and that was NOT his real name and I have one of his cards to prove Henry Roeland Byrd . Trump that. The Radiators. The rest. There is a beat that can't be beat and YOU KNOW THIS.

Just look me in the eye and be honest and say you don't want to live there at least part time. Look within yourself and state you do not want to go back. I want to and hope I can.


Robin Hall

Revenge is a dish best served cold etc.

Does the topic of revenge haunt you from time to time? You want to get back something someone has stolen like your dignity?

Hmm. I looked up revenge in some bible or other. Revenge is mine saith the lord. Well, strike me dead.

I thought past this with google's help of course.

Maybe we should not seek revenge since it would take from us more than the original theft. We give up too much to extract a penalty from the perpetrator.

There were several people in my past I REALLY wanted to hurt in the revenge sort of way. One spent his entire adult life as a city bus driver. Duh, how much more revenge is possible within the confines of the law?

Another, a fellow who physically hurt me thought he was the next Elvis and ended up running a fishing camp in Arkansas. I am batting a thousand so far and didn't do a thing.

Yet another fellow who hurt me lost his job after hurting me. I did nothing to cause this either. Still batting 1000.

There was an unintended family member WAY more fond of golf than of his own adopted son who couldn't play that silly game for the last decade of his life. Sweet revenge and no input from me.

Half sister was a drug addict. She definitely TRIED to hurt me. Just count her rehab tries. No input from me.

Female progenitor who did NOTHING to help me and has lived her life trying to substitute a card game for doing the right thing, BEING A MOTHER TO ME.

Female progenitor's brother, taking the high road, thinking he DID help. Guess what? A life duller than dirt and knowing it.

Say, maybe there is simply NO NEED FOR revenge. There IS one other fellow who has hurt me. I can only hope.

I rest my case.

Still Born

Still Born
Robin Hall

I want a manual for life. There is none. DRAT.

Sure most religions STATE they have this manual but don't be fooled. Their bibles are simply collections of stories written by MEN. These stories then take on a life of their own and we are stuck if we believe what comes next, that the collections are, magically, divine. WTF?

Still, we are born and must live and often we must live in situations that don't support our basic selves which we must discover on our own.

Maybe your birth family is smarter than you. Maybe you are smarter than they are. We are still born into these families or we are orphans who are in families that have the same problems.

Sometimes the family structure is aimed at helping its young find his or her own best path and wouldn't it be nice if this was the rule rather than the exception? My guess is its unlikely to happen due to the parental unit's own failings but being still born into these families or finding yourself in one, we must live.

If the family is basically prejudiced against different others, we do NOT have to acquire these prejudices. Your folks hate ?___? blacks, whites, Asians, gays, tall people etc.? A good lesson for us is to observe and find our own way and live that when we are able to take care of ourselves.

If the family is business oriented and you are not? You MUST work, start early learning some useful trade.

The family is religious and you are not? Go along till you can earn your own way.

Etc... The family does not suit? Live and learn. Get strong and tough, but NOT mean. Get strong and tough intellectually, physically, emotionally and find your own way to a useful system of personal responsibility. These things will help you grow up until you can move out.

Well, enough for now. You are still born and if the family fits, you are lucky. If not, grow into your own person as quickly as possible and live your own life.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Robin Hall

I looked this word up on google which led to's reference to the American Heritage Dictionary definition. I preferred the 4th definition, but that's just me. "An instance of excellence."

Next I looked up perfect. LOTS of choices here too. I liked # 8 "Excellent and delightful in all respects: a perfect day."

My choices of the definitions are what I am discussing here and are what I was pondering before I looked the words up.

Say we watch a movie and we think its perfect. Maybe others don't agree but who cares? Maybe we "rate" it among our very favorites OR realize the quality of the flick. We can say its a perfect movie. An instance for me is Hud. Not a very favorite emotionally but it IS perfect.

Another film, Broken Trail. Well, for me, its perfect. A fine star giving us his best. Its perfect and its among MY FAVORITES.

TV. Boston Legal; Star Trek, Next and MASH are all perfect, for me. I am pleased to have found each of them.

Photography. Adam's Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, 1941 is just perfection. He worked very hard to capture the image, print it. Perfection.

Painting, dance, sculpture, music. Virtually any art form has instances we can enjoy at our highest abilities. Perfection for us to prize.

There is also perfection in daily life. Your town's best carpenter, electrician, plumber, waitress and janitor have had perfect days. Maybe no one noticed. Maybe they themselves did not, but perfection was part of their lives. They achieved such a high level of work that perfection was theirs, if briefly.

That is the way of it. Each of us live our lives and sometimes our lives are perfect. Some very few of us have days where our output for these perfect days is long remembered and cherished by others. Everyone benefits, sometime for centuries as in an enduring painting or piece of music.

However, perfection in any single moment of ones life is still perfection and we can KNOW this if we are open to it. We do not need to tell anyone, to brag. We just have this perfection and know our own lives have meaning and that IS what life is about don't you think?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Yesterday, 5 11 7

Yesterday, 5 11 7
Robin Hall

Where to start?

The good bits included a new pair of pants, seeing the Smoky Mountains, or? Smokey Mountains?, smoking and a good sandwich from one of our national chains of sandwich makers which was open when I was hungry, 8 AM.

The VA, once again, [ appeared to ] lie to me. No news to others who rely on VA health care.

I did get to meet a very decently trained real psychiatrist, a rarity in the VA system. Here was an intelligent, somewhat disheveled doctor who listened. What a treat.

Alcohol is still in my life or more accurately, just showed up unexpectedly or, you get the picture, never left.

The drugs or rTMS like devices to treat the real problems of the depression syndrome are, hopefully, no more than 4 decades away. I will try to wait patiently and will likely not see them unless I live to be 102. Who knew things could be so good for someone living in poverty?

Now as to the question of Michael Moore. The government is investigating this very valued USA citizen. Our government is actually wasting resources investigating a journalist. I often miss things but why would the government BE wasting resources investigating a journalist when there are terrorists trying to KILL US?

Silly me, I thought there was free speech here in our wonderful country, as long as it didn't call for violent overthrow of the government or stuff like yelling FIRE in a building when there was no fire.

More thoughts on the self sanctified religious: christian, muslim or whatever. Folks, these radicals are STEALING our basic USA rights. Lets keep this in mind while we ponder new political candidates.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I Hate Wikis

I Hate Wikis
Robin Hall

Regardless of your Internet savvy, your ability to speak Hawaiian etc. this has just gone too far. Wikis, wikipedias, wiki dot com etc. are simply made up foolishness.

Say you are doing REAL research and need references. NO FUCKING SCHOOL IN THE WORLD allows you to site a wiki source. If any do, and I missed them, pardon the fuck out of me.

Wiki sources are NOT real. No one KNOWS who wrote the article in some and these articles are no more than bull shit "sources".

Now some articles are useful if, and only if, no REAL encyclopedia has an article about whatever topic you are seeking information about. Some moron or other truly feels they ARE the end all and be all of information sources about this topic.

Yet, where is the beef? Who writes this bull shit? Why don't the writer's credentials matter in the least? Who should or would actually care what some unknown, uncredentialed writer would say about anything?

Yet, wiki foolishness abounds and before the last 4 years, was the word even a word? Wiki wiki was/were the real word/s / phrases. It is real in only one language in the world, but wiki is a silly coined phrase / word that means nothing other than someone/s can write whatever they wish about anything and add their foolishness to others foolishness's.

I will stick to Britannica for my info needs and do my own research.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

5 2 7

5 2 7
Robin Hall

Spread my ashes in a garbage dump, write my epitaph in the sand, "Here lies no one. He had champagne tastes and a beer belly."

Movies, movies, movies.

Well here is a movie to see, Sherrybaby. If you are older than 45 you MIGHT recall Frankie Valli's song Sherry. Maybe its related, maybe not.

Sherrybaby is dreary. Its about drug abuse AFTER child abuse followed by prison time and... Isn't that just it, all the ands?

Its almost about hope and redemption but that implies blame at some level.

Truth. Maybe not your truth and don't show this movie to children and its NOT a date movie but there is truth here. Maggie Gyllenhaal tells the TRUTH when she is on the screen, truth about the characters she IS. Watch her for this truth.

I wish this flick was fun. Its not. I would only recommend it to one of my friends who seeks truth at times. TRUTH is in this film.

Yesterday, I didn't feel so bad. I watched another film with truth, The Station Agent. Truth. No bombs, dystopic futures or todays. Just truth in film making. Or maybe I just liked it.