Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Still Born

Still Born
Robin Hall

I want a manual for life. There is none. DRAT.

Sure most religions STATE they have this manual but don't be fooled. Their bibles are simply collections of stories written by MEN. These stories then take on a life of their own and we are stuck if we believe what comes next, that the collections are, magically, divine. WTF?

Still, we are born and must live and often we must live in situations that don't support our basic selves which we must discover on our own.

Maybe your birth family is smarter than you. Maybe you are smarter than they are. We are still born into these families or we are orphans who are in families that have the same problems.

Sometimes the family structure is aimed at helping its young find his or her own best path and wouldn't it be nice if this was the rule rather than the exception? My guess is its unlikely to happen due to the parental unit's own failings but being still born into these families or finding yourself in one, we must live.

If the family is basically prejudiced against different others, we do NOT have to acquire these prejudices. Your folks hate ?___? blacks, whites, Asians, gays, tall people etc.? A good lesson for us is to observe and find our own way and live that when we are able to take care of ourselves.

If the family is business oriented and you are not? You MUST work, start early learning some useful trade.

The family is religious and you are not? Go along till you can earn your own way.

Etc... The family does not suit? Live and learn. Get strong and tough, but NOT mean. Get strong and tough intellectually, physically, emotionally and find your own way to a useful system of personal responsibility. These things will help you grow up until you can move out.

Well, enough for now. You are still born and if the family fits, you are lucky. If not, grow into your own person as quickly as possible and live your own life.

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