Monday, May 21, 2007


Robin Hall, first called Robert Rayburn Learmont, Jr.

I suppose there are worse things than to be born into a family who didn't want you.

I suppose there are worse things than to be born into a Scot clan too small or too insignificant to even have its own tartan.

I often wonder about lots of things like why would ones male progenitor not want his own son or why his family would not or why ones female progenitor CHOOSE not do RIGHT and tend to her first born? Yet these things are real.

When these sorts of things happen, what is the offspring to do with NO family support from either parent when one is as damaged as I am? Worse, when the parent in place refuses to observe reality AND her responsibilities? And the other half of the so-called family wishes to ignore its responsibilities, its very own child, its grandchild?

Tartans are a small part of anyone's world but the family responsibilities, which person of consciousness could do this to their own son and not make a point of fixing the wrongs THEY perpetrated on their OWN child?

Tricky questions, eh? But THEY ARE WRONG these insults to decency. Shouldn't things be fixed when they can, when they are finally observed, recognized?

Likely, nothing happens. TRUTH gets ignored. Reality is ignored. Pain for the ignored child of misfortunes continues. Life, as lived.

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