Thursday, May 17, 2007

Freedom FROM religion

Freedom FROM religion
Robin Hall

Do you think there would be mass slaughterings by adults if, as children, the slayers had not been twisted by the religious? Stay a while on this thought. Its not comfortable for most. Wars, suicide bombings and the like are continuing today. They kill us and we have no say in these slaughterings.

What if there was no religion? What if everyone was free to think as they chose and all were raised to think for themselves?

How many wars would not have been fought, how many lives would not been lost if there was NO RELIGION to pervert the human spirit?

Think further. Just which WAR in our history would have been fought with no religion to twist our thinking process, our minds? Point to a single major war where religion or some other form of mind control was not involved.

Name even a single war started by those of us without religion. One, just one.

Suggest why a single person would wish to blow himself or herself up if religion had not twisted their minds at an early age. Why would anyone do this?

A brief aside. Wouldn't this particular form of perversion get better overall results if the suicider just called a press conference in the middle of a large field, told their story to the press and then blew up themselves ONLY?

A problem occurs for us when we ponder this sort of thing. The problem is obvious. Its religion. Some god or other that humans made up is then changed to BE real rather than to be a way to improve on ourselves then humans began forcing children to BELIEVE and making them pay future prices for having been perverted in the first place and NO child ever asked to be perverted in this way.

Think about all the things these twisted adult religionists have forced their own societies to do or not do. Think again if these twisted brains had not been perverted in the first place by the religions some other MAN, as a rule, came up with to control others.

Now, without religion, people get to think for themselves. With it, the views of past generations of religionists RULE the present group. Seems wrong to me, allowing the perversions of MEN from past generations ruling the present.

I could be wrong but am I? Think for yourself now but remember, most of the laws are made by MEN from the past who's lives, who's thoughts were perverted by religion and THOSE MEN are ruling you today. Perverted and damaged men of the past ruling YOU today. Seems wrong to me.

How many of us wouldn't have better lives if the symbols of religion like the swastika, cross, Magen David or crescent had not been invented by MEN to remind EVERYONE of the power of their MANmade religions?

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