Saturday, June 23, 2007

Blood, Water and Truth

Blood, Water and Truth
Robin Hall

This one is short.

Blood ties: paternity, maternity, sorority, fraternity. Its my experience that all these so-called blood-ties are simply bull shit, per se, and NOT thicker than water. NO ONE chooses family AND family often UN-chooses its own members.

Sometimes we find our true family, or begin one. I am guessing mostly we are neither born into our ONE true family nor do we find our own. I am guessing we spend much of our lives TRYING to find our family, trying to find our own true family or some ONE/S.

Ask yourself this current question. How is that going for you? Answer. Look into the fucking mirror of your life and ANSWER, for once in your life ANSWER, truthfully.

Are you with who you want to be with or are you not?

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