Friday, July 27, 2007

Death With Honor

There is no shortage of organs available to the organ banks.

There is a shortage of good legislation however.

Simply legalize suicide and let it work like this: If life is intolerable for anyone, they would need a single half hour session with a death counselor. A one day wait after that will be fine.

Next, the person wanting suicide enters a hospital where blood and organ tests are done.

After the tests to find out how much can be harvested, a full harvest is performed. The agreement signed would absolve the hospital from liability AND require them to do the harvest even if nothing is useful.

Obviously, the person dies. That is the point for them.

Why shouldn't this be the law? Why should anyone be required to suffer? Prisoners facing a long sentence, sure. Folks living in daily terror from abuse, yes. Terminally ill, indeed. People living with any pain that is unrelenting whether of the body or of the brain, like depression, of course.

Let those who do not want to live help those who do.

Simple. Death with honor. Suicide that helps the living. Pain is ended for the one on the table and life continues for the ones they help, the ones who want to live.

That is all. Forever after there would be no shortage of organs. It seems logical and simple to me.

I will cue up first. My blood type is A+.

This is an ongoing note / commentary about suicide.

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