Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cream or Worse, Firearms

Cream or Worse, Firearms
Robin Hall

There are often worse things than ATF, "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (US Department of Justice)." Hmm. Maybe not but maybe. I have problems with alcohol and tobacco but ATF isn't concerned that I use these, only that the tax is paid for using them.

I don't own firearms, so NP there either BUT I do see firearms on TV and I am positive no one NEEDS an automatic weapon to hunt Bambis, rabbits, squirrels or the like and I am also sure the NRA is running on fumes with their tired old bull shit about Americans need to have automatic weapons IF America is to be truly free.

Other oldisms like people kill and automatic weapons just sit in the closet, well, judge for yourself and HEY, Fuck all you NRA members with the stupid bumper sticker, but Charlton Heston was never MY president and I am suspicious of the patriotism of any of you morons with this bumper sticker on your truck, car or bicycle.

Anyway, back to cream and other problems and don't ignore the above rant due to your thinking I have no right to my say or that it is not accurate.

Er, what was the question? Other problems. Is there such a thing as an addictive personality? I DNK, do not know. I do know that I am addicted to alcohol and tobacco. I also know that other substances cause problems in my life. Sugar, fats like cream and naked carbohydrates like strawberry preserves, almost naked ones like ice cream and just eating Nestles Quik out of the box. Troubling indeed.

Well, enough of this. Feel free to start your own rant in a blog and maybe it will be fun like I find mine to be.

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