Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Drunk as Usual / DAU

DAU / drunk as usual, AGAIN
Hi, my name is Robin. I am an alcoholic. Hi Robin. Say is that a banana in your pocket?

What do you do when the last bottle is empty, just like your wallet; the liquor stores are closed because its Sunday at 4 AM and you have no friends silly enough to assist you?

This is a dire situation and requires more thought than you can apply. The shakes are right out your front door and its only 6 AM. You stumble to the convenience store for a poor substitute to cheap vodka, cheap beer. Three six packs MIGHT last till Monday when the stores are open. They might not and its 6:30 AM and the shakes are knocking very loudly.

At 7 AM you are vibrating the floor. At 8 you are wondering why you? At 9 you wonder about a mythical being and why s/he has abandoned you. Lets not think about 10 AM.

There are no cabs to help out in a tiny town. No neighbors who can drive even for $$. Its 24 hours till Lucifer's booze store is open. Its 8 miles away and you are shaking too hard to drive and the doctor will not give you a deliverable prescription for cheap vodka and you are TFU, again.

Wouldn't it be nice if those meetings were more helpful? The drugs the medicos have was helpful too? Or the stuff in health food stores? TFU, whatcha gonna do, again?

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