Thursday, April 12, 2007

Today: 4 12 2007

Today: 4 12 2007
Robin Hall

Its hardly a Day of Grace but today is better than yesterday when the depression had me in its worst of strangleholds. Those of you with IT know what I am talking about. The rest do not. They can only observe, sometimes sympathize or better still, leave us alone. Remember, IT, your IT, could be any life threatening illness on ITs worst days. Cancer, depression, OCD, anxiety, or you fill in the blank ________ , all of them HURT and no one without their own IT has a clue.

Don't let others with their own IT tell you to just cheer up. You know better. Never let others without IT tell you anything about IT, like how to live better if you only do ?____?. Sure, take your meds but folk "wisdom" is useless here.

We don't have to grin and bear it either. Survive the day or don't is all there is. Distract yourself, amuse yourself or just hide out, but do anything you must to survive if you are going to, if others depend on you. Tomorrow MIGHT be a better day or you might be able to tolerate IT better.

Most others won't hear. I wager its best to suffer alone. Maybe your experience is different, its yours.

Well, that is all for today. I survived yesterday by the skin of my teeth. Its not the first time, it won't be the last time. Survive to try another day was all that happened.

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